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City Council Study Session

  •; passcode 7074287400 (map)

The City Council will pick up after the November 2nd meeting on Alternatives. Topics covered include Fairfield Forward 2050 background and progress to date; planning for growth and preservation; and vision and direction for areas within central Fairfield, including North Texas Street, supporting the Heart of Fairfield/Downtown area; and future vision for the Solano Town Center. This is the first of three study sessions.

Meeting and Viewing Information:

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:

    Please click this URL to join.

    Passcode: 7074287400

                Description: Consistent with AB 361 regarding public meetings held during the COVID-19 emergency, councilmembers may attend via teleconference. Members of the public can observe the meeting on Comcast Cable Channel 26, ATT U-Verse 99, and web-streamed live at


Or One tap mobile:

    +16692192599,,87472446902#,,,,*7074287400# US (San Jose)

    +16699006833,,87472446902#,,,,*7074287400# US (San Jose)


Or join by phone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

        US: +1 669 219 2599  or +1 669 900 6833  or +1 213 338 8477  or +1 408 638 0968

    Webinar ID: 874 7244 6902

    Passcode: 7074287400

    International numbers available:

November 2

City Council Meeting- Alternatives

March 8

City Council Study Session