
Fairfield Forward 2050: Open House

  • Fairfield Community Center, Lakeside Rooms A & B (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us at the Fairfield Forward 2050 Open House to learn more about recently released public review documents that will shape the future of Fairfield, including the General Plan Update, Climate Action Plan, and Draft Environmental Impact Report. Staff will be available to share a high-level overview of these documents, answer questions, and receive your comments.

Please drop by for as long as you’d like. Kindly RSVP at this link by August 20th.

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City Council Study Session: Draft General Plan Element Policies

City staff are currently developing draft policies as part of the General Plan Update. These draft policies are informed by three years’ worth of public input and City Council direction and will implement the community’s vision for the future. The City Council will review and provide recommendations for the draft policies before the full public review drafts are released in summer 2024.

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Planning Commission Study Session: General Plan Draft Policies

City staff are currently developing draft policies as part of the General Plan Update. These draft policies are informed by three years’ worth of public input and City Council direction and will implement the community’s vision for the future. The Planning Commission will provide recommendations on the draft General Plan policies prior to release of the public review drafts in summer 2024.

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Scoping Meeting: Recirculated Notice of Preparation

This Notice of Preparation (NOP) Scoping Meeting provides an opportunity for interested parties and individuals to comment on the scope and content of environmental information to be included in the EIR on the Project. The NOP for the Project has been recirculated to reflect several changes in the Project scope since the previous NOP for the Project was released on August 16, 2021:

 (1) The Housing Element is no longer a part of the General Plan Update. The previous NOP envisioned the Housing Element to be a part of the General Plan Update; however, because of State deadlines, the 6th Cycle 2023-2031 Housing Element was adopted and Negative Declaration certified on February 7, 2023.

 (2) The General Plan now includes preparation of an Environmental Justice Element.  Two census tracts in Fairfield now meet the criteria of a “disadvantaged community” based on updated data from the California Environmental Protection Agency’s CalEnviroscreen 4.0 methodology.

(3) The Project includes targeted amendments to the adopted Heart of Fairfield and Train Station specific plans, including adjustments to densities, land use changes, and zoning boundaries, while maintaining the overall vision and objectives of the plans.

Therefore, the City is recirculating the NOP and will be hosting an additional Scoping Meeting. Please register for the Zoom meeting here.

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City Council Study Session

On December 19th, the City Council will hold a study session on the General Plan Preferred Plan. The Preferred Plan communicates the community’s vision for how the City will grow and develop over the next 25+ years and provides the foundation for more detailed policies.

The Council has held six study sessions over the past 22 months on the Preferred Plan and provided direction at the meeting on September 12. At the December 19th session, the Council will be asked to confirm direction of the Preferred Plan guiding policies and provide any additional ideas or suggestions to be reflected in the General Plan document, which will be developed in the coming months.

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Planning Commission Study Session

11/8/23: 6-8pm Planning Commission Study Session
This Study Session is being held at the request of City staff to 1) summarize for the Planning Commission the Preferred Land Use Plan and to 2) solicit input from the Commission on the organization of the General Plan Update Elements and draft guiding policies.

1000 Webster Street
Fairfield, CA 94533
Agenda here

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GPAC Meeting: Preferred Plan

  • Vista Room at the Fairfield Community Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Agenda here.

The purpose of the meeting is to review the Preferred Land Use Plan concepts with the GPAC, present draft Preferred Plan guiding policies and General Plan topic areas, and solicit GPAC feedback. The public is invited to observe and make public comments during the public comment period.

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Fairfield Forward 2050: General Plan Update Preferred Plan Study Session, Contd.

This meeting is the latest in a series of Study Sessions to establish the City Council’s vision for future land uses throughout the City of Fairfield. This Study Session will focus on future land uses in Cordelia as the City Council has already established its vision for land uses throughout most of the City. The City Council’s vision for land uses in Cordelia will inform he development of a Preferred Plan for land uses, which will form the basis of the General Plan Update, Climate Action Plan, and Environmental Impact Report.

Direction provided at this meeting will inform the development of a Preferred Plan, which establishes the City Council’s vision for future land uses throughout the City of Fairfield. The Preferred Plan will form the basis of the remainder of the General Plan Update as well as the Climate Action Plan and Environmental Impact Report. Following the establishment of the Preferred Plan, staff will develop General Plan Elements and policies.

Members of the public are invited to the meeting and public comment will be allowed. The meeting will be recorded and live-streamed. Agenda Link here | Staff Report Link here | Zoom Link here

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Fairfield Planning Commission Meeting- Draft Housing Element

The Planning Commission will consider Fairfield’s draft Housing Element.
The meeting will be held at the Council Chamber, 1000 Webster St, Fairfield, CA 94533

Members of the public may attend in person or on Zoom: U4xaU5sS0FET09qZz09 Meeting ID: 970 6560 7498 - Passcode: 66781819

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Cordelia Workshop

What do you want to see more of in Cordelia? Where should it go? What will this part of Fairfield need in the future? Join the City of Fairfield on April 28, 2022, 6-8pm at the Cordelia Library to tell us more about your vision for the future of Cordelia. Please RSVP here, it’s appreciated but not required!

Se dispondrá de traducción en español.

For any questions, please contact:

Jessie Hernandez, City of Fairfield

[email protected]

Office 707-428-7450

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City Council Study Session

Topics covered include a report-back on outreach to Suisun Valley stakeholders, and vision and direction for the "cherry stem" or Suisun Valley area between Cordelia and central Fairfield. At this session, prior conversations will culminate in direction for the Preferred Plan, the foundation for the full General Plan Update. This is the third of three study sessions.

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City Council Study Session

  •; passcode 7074287400 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The City Council will pick up after the November 2nd meeting on Alternatives. Topics covered include Fairfield Forward 2050 background and progress to date; planning for growth and preservation; and vision and direction for areas within central Fairfield, including North Texas Street, supporting the Heart of Fairfield/Downtown area; and future vision for the Solano Town Center. This is the first of three study sessions.

Meeting and Viewing Information:

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:

    Please click this URL to join.

    Passcode: 7074287400

                Description: Consistent with AB 361 regarding public meetings held during the COVID-19 emergency, councilmembers may attend via teleconference. Members of the public can observe the meeting on Comcast Cable Channel 26, ATT U-Verse 99, and web-streamed live at


Or One tap mobile:

    +16692192599,,87472446902#,,,,*7074287400# US (San Jose)

    +16699006833,,87472446902#,,,,*7074287400# US (San Jose)


Or join by phone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

        US: +1 669 219 2599  or +1 669 900 6833  or +1 213 338 8477  or +1 408 638 0968

    Webinar ID: 874 7244 6902

    Passcode: 7074287400

    International numbers available:

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