Fairfield Forward 2050 Public Review Drafts Released!
The City is pleased to release the public review drafts of the General Plan Update, Fairfield’s first Climate Action Plan, and the Draft Environmental Impact Report, a major milestone for the Fairfield Forward 2050 Project.
Together, these documents chart a path forward to achieve the community’s vision for the future to the year 2050. Fairfield decisionmakers will consider these documents for certification and adoption this winter.
The 45-day public comment period ran from July 26th to September 9th.
Read comments received on the General Plan and Climate Action Plan here.
Read comments received on the Draft Environmental Impact Report here.
City of Fairfield General Plan Update Public Review Draft
The General Plan represents the ‘blueprint’ for the City’s future growth and priorities. It address land use and urban design, transportation, protection of Travis Air Force Base, safety and protection from hazards, public facilities, sustainability, parks and recreation, conservation and open space, public health and environmental justice, economic development, and much more.
View the General Plan using the links to the right and comment using this link.
City of Fairfield Climate Action Plan
The Climate Action Plan (CAP) is a sustainability tool that contains a series of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the year 2050. The CAP complements many policies in the General Plan aimed at making Fairfield more sustainable and resilient to climate change.
View the CAP using the links to the right and comment on the CAP using this link.
City of Fairfield Environmental Impact Report
The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) assesses the General Plan Update and CAP’s potential adverse environmental impacts and includes measures to reduce these impacts.
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this public review release starts the state-prescribed 45-day public review period, which will end at 5:00 p.m. on September 9, 2024.
View the DEIR at the links to the right and provide comments using this link.
Cover and TOC
01 Introduction
02 Land Use and Urban Design Element
03 Travis Protection Element
04 Circulation Element
05 Public Facilities and Services Element
06 Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation Element
07 Sustainability Element
08 Health and Safety Element
09 Environmental Justice Element
10 Economic Development Element
Cover and TOC
00 Executive Summary
01 Introduction
02 Project Description
03 Environmental Setting and Impacts
3.1 Aesthetics
3.2 Agricultural Resources
3.3 Air Quality
3.4 Biological Resources
3.5 Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources
3.6 GHG and Energy
3.7 Geology and Soils
3.8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials
3.9 Hydrology and Water Quality
3.10 Land Use and Planning
3.11 Mineral Resources
3.12 Noise
3.13 Population and Housing
3.14 Public Services and Recreation
3.15 Transportation
3.16 Utilities and Service Systems
3.17 Wildfire
04 Alternatives Analysis
05 CEQA Required Conclusions
06 References
07 List of Preparers