What do YOU think Fairfield should focus on as it plans for its future?

The City Council recently endorsed a Preferred Land Use Plan, which includes a map of major land use changes as well as draft guiding policies that will serve as the General Plan’s framework.

At this next stage, we need your input to shape detailed policies. Join us for at the following opportunities to share your input!

General Plan Update Community Workshop (in-person)
View the presentation and boards here.

General Plan Update Community Workshop (online)
Tuesday, January 23rd, 6-7:30pm
Register here


Can’t make the workshops? Add your input to the boards below by Feb 23, 2024

To share your input, please add sticky notes or comments on the Miro Board. See instructions on how to use Miro in the video below:

The Miro Board is accessible for editing on this webpage below, or click here.

You may also view the boards in PDF here and email your comments to Associate Planner Jessie Hernandez at [email protected],

Navigating Miro with a mouse:

  • To move around the board, press the right mouse button and drag

  • To zoom, scroll the mouse wheel

  • To create the selection field, switch to the select tool (the arrow on the right) click and drag the canvas. Click the “post it’ in the field on the left vertical toolbar, or the “comment” in the toolbar at the top right and add your comments.

Navigating Miro with a trackpad:

  • Slide two fingers to move around the board

  • Pinch to zoom

  • To select objects, switch to the select tool (the arrow on the right), press and drag the canvas. Click the “post it’ in the field on the left vertical toolbar, or the “comment” in the toolbar at the top right and add your comments.

Navigating Miro with a touchscreen:

  • Drag the canvas to move around

  • Pinch to zoom

  • Long press and drag to select objects